8 am finishing teams:
Team 61 (Sunshine and Rainbows) find the pot of gold at 8:17
Team 69 (Made in Poland) Made history at 9:17
Team 64 (Jetpack, monkeys) Monkey see monkey did at 9:35
Team 32 (Rock Hoppers) rocked the ending of the race at 9:45
Team 22 (Spare Parts) parted the arches at 9:50
Team 1 (Always a Walker) walked the path of victory at 9:55
Team 27 (Ash Kickers) Kicked Ash till the end completing at 10:35
Team 25 (Sorry guys) is sorry for the last time this year since they finished at 11:50
8 am teams to roll across CP12:
Team 49 (Burnt Pizzas [rookie]) burned the CP at 8:40
Team 43 (Hold Your Horses) didn't hold back at 10:09
Team 11 (Forward motion) moved forward at 11:36
Team 31 (Peaks Peeps[rookie]) haven't peaked as they blaze by at 11:43
Team 41 (Fragile Flowers) definitely aren't fragile as they crush the CP at 11:51
Team 9 (Mud, Sweat and Beers [rookie]) tracked mud past the CP at 12:24