Past Races
The Course
Click to expand map view. Download the Wilderness Traverse race package for complete compeitior insturctions, maps and more.

Click the Leaderboard Results link
Choose Tracking Map from the menu.
On the left side, click below the word "Teams". Scroll through until you find your team. They are alphabetical within finish category, e.g. Full Course, DNF, etc. You may need to expand a category folder to see individual teams.
To the right of your team name, there is a little icon. Click on it to bring up the final map location of your tracker before you turned it off.
Zoom in if necessary and click the small icon on the map with your team number. If you can't see it because it's in a big pile of other teams, return to the Teams list in #3 and remove some checkboxes to clear other teams off the map.
After you click your team icon, a box will drop down. Click the "+" sign beside History and the map will reload to show all your tracker points. Zoom in to see more detail. You can click on individual dots to see the time and other data.
View Route History on the Tracking Map
Race Reports
Midnight Tracks #6
Lather, Rinse, Repeat #5
The Breakfast Club #39
Outliers #20
Salomon #7
DAS Clothing #34
Storm/Beowulf #2
Beer Barons #17
Team Birdman #22
Salomon #7
Milton Basement Racers #8
Attack from Above #4
Attack from Above #4
Running Free #3
Storm/Beowulf #2
Salomon #7
Pullin' Foot #15
Ripkin AR #24
Gallery Photos on this page by Luis Moreira
Check out addtional photos in the Flickr Photostream or the Wilderness Traverse Dropbox

WT 2015 Winners

Video by Brad Jennings of